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Around age twenty-five, our skin begins to age and our bodies produce less collagen, causing the skin to lose its elasticity over time. Collagen is the skin’s support system, like a matrix or mattress, that underpins healthy skin, leaving it firmer and more elastic. Unfortunately, losing collagen means the skin dehydrates and thins and wrinkles. This is when fine lines start to form. Think of it like a sagging mattress! Furthermore, dark spots and discolouration often appear on ageing skin because melanocytes either underproduce melanin (the pigment of your skin) which causes the skin to become paler and more translucent, or overproduce it (causing dark spots). If all this leads you to despair, pulling at your skin, and mourning your lost youth, there’s something you can do to reduce these signs of ageing! 

Tria Age-Defying Laser

The sciencey bit!

A journal article in Seminars in Plastic Surgery notes that “laser resurfacing technologies represent an exciting development in the cosmetic surgeon’s repertoire to improve the tone, texture, and pigmentation of the skin,” noting that these lasers tighten the skin, improve the appearance of the skin, improve skin texture, and reduce scarring. More specifically, non-ablative lasers, like Tria’s Age-Defying Laser, resurface the skin and “remov[e] the epidermal layer, producing the most dramatic laser-treated results for skin resurfacing. The lasers quickly superheat water molecules in the skin tissue. When the water turns into gas, the skin cells are vapori[s]ed in a precise skin-peeling effect. This effect promotes collagen formation and retraction of the dermis and epidermis to tighten the skin.” In other words, these lasers work and promote collagen formation, meaning you’re turning back the clock on your face. They also reduce fine lines, scarring, and discolouration. What’s not to love? 

So, that’s the science, but let’s get into the eight reasons why everyone loves Tria’s Age-Defying Laser (ADL)

Tria Age-Defying Laser

#1 Reduces signs of acne scarring

Tria’s Age-Defying Laser reduces the appearance of acne scarring by increasing collagen production. Collagen naturally speeds up your body’s healing process which results in erasing signs of scarring.

According to an article in the Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, non-ablative lasers “are less destructive than ablative lasers and stiffen the skin by stimulating collagen production in the dermis; the epidermis is protected through skin cooling.” It continues, “The epidermis remains cool when using this laser because the waves penetrate the dermis layer. The heat generated in the dermis coagulates the collagen and then begins the wound healing process. As a result, new collagen synthesis is performed on the substrate of the skin and extracellular matrix.” In other words, collagen creates a “wound healing” effect, which means bye-bye discolouration and scarring.

Fades sun and brown spots

#2 Fades sun and brown spots

Along the same lines as above, the collagen production triggered by using your ADL also fades any skin oxidation or hyperpigmentation, which means sun damage and brown spots start to fade. 

A journal article in Dermatologic Therapy notes that “nonablative skin rejuvenation is a relatively new concept in facial rejuvenation, which aims to induce dermal remodel[l]ing without visible epidermal disruption.” In laymen’s terms that means that ablative lasers are effective but cause visible outward damage to the skin which needs to heal before the beneficial effects are visible. With non-ablative laser technology, like Tria’s device, the “epidermal disruption” (i.e. the visible damage on the skin’s surface that needs to heal) is less (or non-existent) which means you get the benefits of the increased collagen production, reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, and yes, removal of brown spots, sun spots, and hyperpigmentation without any downtime. You can complete your treatment and still face the world! 


#3 Promotes skin’s elasticity to make skin firmer and tighter

As noted, collagen production triggered by Tria’s laser makes the skin firmer and tighter, turning back signs of ageing and preventing and slowing down the skin’s natural ageing process.

In the book Cosmetic Dermatology: Products and Procedures, it notes “nonablative laser systems are used for rejuvenation of photodamaged skin. The lasers cause a dermal wounding response that results in collagen remodel[l]ing and production, while protecting the epidermis from harm.” What that means is that not only does the device rejuvenate the look, feel, texture, and colour of the skin, it also triggers the skin’s response to remodel and produce more collagen which leads to tighter and firmer skin. Plus, the book also notes that “side effects are mild and rare with nonablative devices” and that these lasers have “variable results on rhytides, scarring, dyschromia, and vascular change.” Rhytides are fine lines, dyschromia is skin discolouration, and vascular change means broken veins and capillaries are reduced, which leads us to our next point.

Tria Age-Defying Laser

#4 Can rid the skin of spider veins or broken capillaries

Tria’s Age-Defying Laser is known to diminish the appearance of spider veins or broken capillaries near the skin’s surface.

An article in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal notes that “there has been a longstanding interest in finding an effective, non-invasive alternative to sclerotherapy [where medicine is injected into veins to make them shrink] that would provide equivalent or better efficacy, with a higher level of safety and ease of performance.” They were happy to report that lasers proved effective in this treatment. 

Non-ablative lasers use thermal energy to treat the skin so that energy causes spider veins or broken capillaries to spasm and close, making this device perfect for both men and women who suffer from these real skin concerns.

Tria Age-Defying Laser

#5 Exfoliates as it works, leaving skin feeling naturally plumper

A further benefit of Tria’s Age-Defying Laser is deep exfoliation, rejuvenation, and regeneration. Another article in the Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences notes that “nonablative skin rejuvenation with radiofrequency based systems produces skin tightening through controlled dermal collagen contraction and neocollagenesis without epidermal injury” (p.32). So whilst it provides deep rejuvenation, the skin is also tightened and renewed.

The article continues, “nonablative fractional laser resurfacing is developing very rapidly to become the gold standard for laser resurfacing therapy for various indications including photorejuvenation therapy…Nonablative fractional laser resurfacing technologies is now capable of producing suitable and sufficient efficacy while reducing side effects and downtime, so they are more acceptable to most of the patients.” Again, this article notes that there are fewer side effects of nonablative lasers (like Tria’s device), less downtime (if any), and it’s now the “gold standard” treatment for those who want younger-looking skin – or to stave off the ageing process altogether.

Tria Age-Defying Laser

#6 Brightens dark patches

As one NHS doctor did her own unsponsored review of Tria’s Age-Defying laser, she notes that it brightens dark patches and has provided a noticeable improvement in her skin quality overall. Check out her results in our post here. We look forward to her next update on what she has to say. As the research suggests in our second point on age spots and hyperpigmentation, the laser triggers the body’s natural healing process which has a multitude of effects including brightening the skin and physically providing more collagen, structure, and support to your face.

#7 Smooths skin texture

We all know that smooth skin texture leads to better makeup application. Although textured skin is perfectly normal, everyone would love the baby-smooth texture of young children. Though, we cannot promise that, there’s no doubt that research has proven that non-ablative lasers (like our Age-Defying Laser) do smooth the skin’s texture because it rebuilds the collagen that depletes as we age. 

This article in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology discusses the many benefits of non-ablative lasers including evening skin tone and discolouration, reversing UV damage, resurfacing scars, and regenerating the skin. For you, that means that the Age-Defying Laser will improve your skin overall, meaning that you might only want to use a light tinted moisturiser instead of heavy foundation because you’ll have beautiful, glowing skin to show off! 

Emily Firmin, Makeup Artist

#8 Stimulates collagen production, renews skin, and diminishes fine lines and wrinkles

Finally, as stated in the research on our other points, one of the main benefits of this laser device is the stimulated collagen production, which renews and rebuilds the skin’s structure. What this does is replicates the process that happens naturally in our bodies until around the age of twenty-five. Before this point, our skin naturally regenerates and continues to look young. Our cells replicate and refresh, but after this age, our cells begin to stop replication and die off completely, which leads to ageing. Medical News Today has an article all about the benefits of non-ablative lasers, the procedure, the aftercare, and the cost (£1,200) per treatment. Whilst you can find treatments at some clinics in the UK for less than £1,200, typically you’ll need four to six treatments to achieve the desired results. Tria’s laser requires a series of daily treatments for eight weeks to achieve results. Plus, the laser has a two-year limited warranty, which means you can continue to use the laser for years to come with total peace of mind for years to come in the comfort of your own home – all for the price of one device.

With the Age-Defying Laser, you can recapture your youth (literally and not just figuratively) by stimulating that collagen production again, reversing time, which reduces those fine lines and wrinkles, re-plumps and tightens the skin, and reduces scarring and discolouration. What’s not to love? It’s a miracle product in itself!

Danielle Collins, the Face Yoga Expert

The takeaways

We have had people like Danielle Collins, the Face Yoga Expert, and Dr Komal, an NHS doctor – who did an independent unbiased, unsponsored review of our Tria Age-Defying Laser – all rave about the anti-ageing effects of this at-home non-ablative laser. Plus, Tria conducted their own scientific study here on the efficacy of the product using board-certified dermatologists in a blind study where ADL users showed noticeable skin improvements after a course of treatments. 

If all of these studies aren’t proof enough, non-ablative laser treatments are safe, effective, and the future of skincare. If you want to reverse the signs of ageing and put your best face forward, the Age-Defying laser is for you! 

Save £151 if you buy your Age-Defying Laser today, reduced from £450 to £299, which is less than a single salon treatment (check out #9 on this list of the hottest cosmetic treatments). Plus, you can now check out with PayPal and spread your payment over three or four months interest-free!

For a complete bundle of Tria’s best-selling lasers and products, you can purchase Tria’s Home Spa Kit for the discounted price of £579 (from £995). In the Home Spa Kit, you can find Tria’s Age-Defying Laser (worth £450), Tria’s Hair Removal 4X device (worth £375), Tria’s Calming Soothing Gel (worth £50), Tria’s Facial Laser Finishing Serum (worth £50), and Tria’s Nourishing Eye Renewal Cream (worth £74), which would cost £999 if purchased individually. You can purchase this bundle for almost 50% off for £579 and spread the cost of payment via PayPal.

Tria Lasers

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