When I was young, I was forever reading magazine advice on self-care and DIY pampering from mixing oats with honey and slathering the messy paste on my face to rinsing my hair with vinegar. I loved a bit of home therapy. Thankfully, things have moved on since then but pampering yourself on a budget with a DIY spa day and self-care treatments is still possible. Here are some cost-effective ideas to help you relax and rejuvenate without breaking the bank.

#1 The classic staple: slather on a DIY face mask

Create your own face masks using ingredients from your kitchen, such as honey, yoghurt, oatmeal, mashed avocado, or mashed banana. Mix them and apply them to your face for a refreshing and nourishing treatment. Alright, so the DIY space still advocates for honey on the face.

Here are some home pantry staples and what you can use them for in your self-care (if you don't decide to eat them instead).

  • Oatmeal: Blended-up oat flour helps improve dryness, locks in moisture and has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, soothing itchy and irritated skin.
  • Avocado: avo contains high concentrations of fats and vitamin E to increase moisture, protect against free radical damage, and act as an antioxidant.
  • Honey: Honey is naturally antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, reducing redness and irritation. It is also exfoliating and moisturising. 
  • Green tea: green tea has polyphenols, which are antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects. Check out the blog our Marketing Manager, Emma, wrote about the benefits of drinking green tea.
  • Milk and yoghurt: While these aren't vegan ingredients, milk and yoghurt contain lactic acid which is a natural exfoliator and moisturiser. The proteins in these dairy products also calm inflamed skin. 
  • Aloe: aloe is known to soothe, moisturise, and calm skin with its anti-inflammatory properties.

You can incorporate a natural face mask after using your Tria Age-Defying Laser to hydrate your skin as that could form a special pampering evening.

#2 Have a calming soak in an Epsom salt bath plus reading or listening

Adding Epsom salts to a warm bath can help relax your muscles and relieve stress. You can also add a few drops of your favourite essential oil for a spa-like experience whilst reading a book

Relaxing with a good book in the bath or post-bath or listening to calming music is a good way to unwind. You can borrow library books (making sure not to soak them) or explore free online resources or even listen to an audiobook.

You can combine this lovely soak with body brushing for added health benefits – check out our blog all about it or you can create a body scrub with sugar or coffee grounds mixed with a little olive or coconut oil for a gentle moisturising exfoliator.

You can follow up your soaking and exfoliating with a Tria 4X hair removal laser treatment

#3 Treat yourself to some nail care with an at-home mani-pedi

Whilst I'm absolutely terrible at painting my own nails "in the lines" and cannot for the life of me figure out how to get a thin, even layer in three strokes (I apparently think my hand thinks I'm going for the hundred-layer challenge every time), a simple nail care routine at home can be soaking your nails, trimming and shaping them, buffing any dry skin with a foot file or pumice stone, and finishing off with moisturising hand and foot creams – and if you can paint your nails for the pièce de résistance, then that's icing on the cake.

#4 Practise some meditation, mindfulness, and/or yoga

Practice meditation and mindfulness or do some yoga exercises at home to relax your mind and body. You can find plenty of free tutorials online. You can finish your practice by mixing some aromatherapy oils and giving yourself a hand, foot, or arm massage – or even doing some Face Yoga. Here are some easy exercises we wrote about that you can do whilst watching the telly.

#5 Do some deep breathing exercises

Practising deep breathing exercises can reduce stress and anxiety. Deep, slow breaths can help you feel more relaxed and centred. Daily deep breathing has been known to lower resting blood pressure and reduce stress and anxiety.

#6 Go on a nature walk

If possible, take a walk in nature. Fresh air and a change of scenery can do wonders for your well-being. Walking in nature has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress, improve physical health, increase vitamin D levels, improve concentration, open us up creatively, and much more. 


The takeaways

Self-care – however you do it – whether it's via DIY spa days or a simple daily meditation, has been clinically proven to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress – and increase happiness. As the mantra goes "self-care isn't selfish." You can't be the best you for yourself or anyone in your friend (or family) group if you're tired, burned out, and at the end of your role.

Remember, self-care doesn't have to be expensive. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can create a spa-like experience at home that helps you relax and rejuvenate without straining your budget. Prioritise self-care as part of your routine to promote physical and mental well-being. Let us know on Tria Beauty UK's Facebook or Instagram how you practise daily or weekly self-care.
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